Adobe threatens to sue Nintendo emulator Delta for its look-alike logo

DeltaAn emulator capable of playing Nintendo games was a must change the logo After Adobe threatened legal action. You’d think he’d be in trouble on Nintendo’s part goes after emulators but not these days. That said, it’s Adobe that’s going after the developer TechCrunch For the first time, he reported that he received an email from the company’s lawyer on May 7. Adobe warned Delta that their logos were too similar, that the software icon infringed on the well-known Adobe “A”, and asked it to change its logo. t not to violate the rights of the company. Delta also reportedly received an email from Apple asking the developer to remove Adobe’s emulator software.

Purple icon.Purple icon.


If you remember, Apple started allowing retro game emulators on the App Store as long as they don’t offer pirated games for download. Delta was one of the first companies approved for listing and was at the top of Apple’s charts for a while, which is probably why it caught Adobe’s attention. At the time of writing, it is ranked sixth in Entertainment programs with 17,100 ratings.

The developer told both Adobe and Apple that its logo is a stylized version of the Greek letter “delta” rather than a capital A. new logo debuted, it looks like someone took his sword to his old sword to split it in half. It’s a temporary fix, though — the developer says it will release the “final” version of its new logo when Delta 1.6 comes out.

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