Anti-trans hate is ‘widespread’ on Facebook, Instagram and Threads, report warns

Meta fails to enforce its own rules against trans hate speech on its platform, a new report GLAAD warns. The LGBTQ advocacy group found that “extremely anti-trans hateful content is rampant on Instagram, Facebook and Threads.”

The report documents dozens of instances of hate speech from Meta apps, which GLAAD says were reported to the company between June 2023 and March 2024. violator or simply did not take action against them,” says GLAAD.

Reported content includes posts containing anti-trans slurs, violence and dehumanizing language, and advocacy for conversion therapy, all of which are prohibited under the Meta rules. GLAAD also notes that some of the posts it reports come from influential accounts with large audiences on Facebook and Instagram. GLAAD also shared two samples from Meta’s newest app, Threads. squeeze “political” content and other “potentially vulnerable” themes.

“The company’s continued failure to enforce its policies against anti-LGBTQ and particularly anti-trans hate speech is simply unacceptable,” said GLAAD CEO and President Sarah Kate Ellis. statement.

Meta did not immediately respond to a request for comment. But GLAAD’s report isn’t the first time the company has faced criticism for its handling of content targeting the LGBTQ community. Last year the Supervisory Board he called Meta will “improve the accuracy of its enforcement of hate speech against the LGBTI+ community.”

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