Instagram makes its status update feature more interactive

Instagram launched Notes in December 2022 as a way for people to share statuses (not so similar to Facebook) on the platform. Now, the Meta-owned app takes inspiration from its sister site for even more features with the addition of Registration Requirements.

Instagram first experimented with Note Prompts earlier this year, a feature that lets users ask, “What should I eat?” allows you to share questions like or “Who will be in X this weekend?” Friends can then reply with tips, suggestions and random thoughts on the topic. It’s very similar to Facebook in 2012, Notes, another new feature where users can tag their friends directly in their Notes. Instagram’s example of “hanging out with the user later” would have been from the early 2010s by simply adding “Text! :)”. how he likes the function And everywhere else on Instagram – all users have to do is double-tap a note or press the heart button.

Notes Instagram only appeared in the last few years. They feature stories in many ways, only lasting 24 hours and with controls on who can see them (such as mutual followers). Notes appear in the user’s inbox and profiles.

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