Aaron Sorkin is working on a Jan. 6-focused follow-up to The Social Network

Aaron Sorkin has revealed that he is currently writing a script in progress The social network, . He gave the news during an episode of the show City A podcast based on how In the years since his Oscar-winning hit. The first film chronicled the early days of Mark Zuckerberg’s social network and starred Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, and Justin Timberlake, among others.

Sorkin is tight-lipped about the actual details of the new script, but he’s following Facebook in the Trump era. He told the podcast hosts that he actually blamed the social media site for the January 6 riots. and . “Look, yeah, I’m going to write about it,” Sorkin told podcast hosts Matthew Belloni and Peter Hamby. “I blame Facebook on January 6”

He gave no reason why he blamed Facebook for the attack on the capitol, telling the podcast hosts “they’re going to have to buy movie tickets.” Facebook, Google, Twitter and Reddit January 6 as part of the investigation. Members of parliament that Facebook to run the Stop Stealing movement on the platform and said he did not realize the threat these groups posed after the violence in DC.

Francis Haugen, who informed about this, told the Congress on Facebook After the 2020 elections. He also said he knows Facebook’s algorithms and platforms and “failed to implement internally recommended or sustained countermeasures.” According to Haugen, the company chose profit over safety.

Sorkin clearly weighed in on all of this, saying in the same interview that “Facebook is tweaking its algorithm to promote the most divisive material possible, among other things. Because it will increase the relationship.” He went on to suggest that the company “must have a constant tension between growth and integrity at Facebook.” There is no. There is only growth.”

Don’t go to your local multiplex to buy tickets now The Social Network 2: Electric Boogaloo yet. The script is still in the early stages, and Sorkin has not announced a studio partnership to make the film. This is also not his first attempt to get something like this off the ground. He had previously been working on a script entirely about January 6, but it did not move forward. It remains to be seen whether some aspects of this script will continue The social network, it really should be done. said to that he only pushed to make a sequel The social network If David Fincher returns to direct it.

If, given the success of the 2010 film, a studio is likely to sign on to make this project, that leaves me with two glaring questions. Dear Jesse Eisenberg and what are his thoughts ?

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