Elon Musk says it’s his turn to have the remote

X just announced smart TV app for video streaming. Or more accurately, it claims to be building one with no release date mentioned. The aptly named X TV wants to be “your companion for a high-quality, immersive entertainment experience on a bigger screen.” By high-quality entertainment, X probably means where a Tucker Carlson video is Grocery carts in Russia really impressed. This is not a joke. Carlson catches the eye in a little teaser video.

X CEO and marketing robot Linda Yaccarino It promises “real-time” content and wide availability, but other than that there are few details. Of course, some corporates talk nonsense about AI and brag about “effortless streaming” from mobile to TV. Wait, I thought of that was TV show? So it’s also a mobile app that streams to TV? Is there any other word for less than half-baked? Does raw work?

In other words, we don’t know much. This is X. All we get are word salads that don’t really mean anything, and then one day the app may or may not actually appear. If so, it will be hopelessly broken. It sounds harsh, but there’s a lot of evidence-laden pudding out there. We have receipts.

Back when Twitter first rebranded as X, the company promised that everything will soon be “powered by AI.” X eventually created a chatbot called Grok, but he not the sharpest algo in the stable. It also doesn’t appear to be “powering up” the site anytime soon. Elon Musk promised that X would soon become a payments and banking platform, which thankfully has not materialized. Remember that Musk said that all major X decisions will be made done through user request? When was the last time you saw one of these? It’s all there the ongoing blue check fiasco.

The long-promised job search tool has been launched, but it’s just bad. X followed original video content for a while, but things have cooled off since then The Don Lemon/Elon Musk debacle. Two years after Musk bought the site, it’s still far from being an “everything app.”

What kind of content will be broadcast on this platform is also in question. Again, this is X. I don’t know how many people want to sit on their living room couch and watch a guy scream for nothing on a video game site. Kotaku It is destroying American society. The ad, as mentioned above, puts Carlson in the spotlight, showing an endless stream of videos of people complaining about the word woke, without giving the definition of the word. Call me crazy, but I’d rather watch reality TV.

heck. Even if I want to watch an impotent rage vlog, YouTube is there. Now it’s on smart TVs and it works great. It’s everything Yaccarino promised would one day come to X TV. Plus, YouTube can teach you more than just how to block people with blue checks next to their names.

X TV may or may not be released on some or all smart TVs in the near or distant future. This can be the actual app on the TV or the app on the phone that is streaming to the TV. It may or may not be equipped with AI. It might have a “custom quest” or it might just show you Jordan Peterson’s endless loops of tears. Who knows. Look for that final pivot to video… or not.

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