Netflix is done telling us how many people use Netflix

Netflix will stop disclosing the number of people subscribing to its service and its revenue per subscriber starting next year, the company announced Thursday. Instead, it will emphasize and focus on revenue growth spent on the platform.

“In our early days, when we had little revenue or profit, membership growth was a strong indicator of our future potential,” the company said. in a letter to shareholders. “But now we have very significant profits and free cash flow.”

Netflix revealed that the service added 9.33 million subscribers in the past few months, bringing the total number of paying households worldwide to nearly 270 million. Despite its decision to stop reporting quarterly user numbers, Netflix said the company will “announce when we hit major subscriber milestones,” meaning we’ll hear about it when we hit 300 million.

Netflix estimates that more than half a billion people around the world watch TV shows and movies through its service, and now it’s finding ways to make more money. a about password exchange and . In the last few years, he has games like Grand Theft Auto trilogy, Hell, Dead cells, Knittingand more, his catalog.

Subscriber metrics are an important signal to Wall Street because they show how fast a company is growing. But Netflix’s move to stop reporting these is something we’ve seen from other companies before. Meta in February it will no longer reveal the number of daily and monthly Facebook users every quarter, but it will reveal how many people use Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram together. In 2018, Apple too It chose to focus on the number of iPhones, iPads and Macs it sold each quarter, instead of how much money it made in each category.

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