Blizzard takes aim at Overwatch 2 console cheaters

Like many other multiplayer games, not immune to scammers. And it’s not just a problem on PC, where fraudsters use tools like aimbots. Some people use XIM devices so they can play with a keyboard and mouse (KBM) on consoles. This is against Blizzard’s rules because even though the console versions of the game have features like aim assist, KBM players usually have an aim advantage over those using a controller. Although it took some time to get the ball rolling, the developer is finally doing something about the XIM issue.

XIM devices trick consoles into thinking that KBM users are playing with a controller. However, Blizzard says it has been able to detect KBM players on consoles for the past few years Overwatch 2 seasons. It turns out that the cheating problem is widespread among higher-level players. Using unapproved peripherals at lower ranks is “very rare,” the developers say.

during (starting this week) Blizzard will impose permanent bans on the most extreme users of unapproved peripherals. It will refer to reports from other players and its own information to identify violators.

Starting with Season 11, which should begin in June, the developers will tackle the problem on a larger level. The first time a console player is detected using an unverified device on consoles, they will be banned from Competitive modes for one week. If they continue to use KBM or other unapproved peripherals in casual modes, they will be suspended from Competitive for one season, will only be able to play with other KBM users in Quick Play, and will lose access to aim assist features. All in the name of justice.

There are accessibility concerns here, as some people simply cannot play games with a standard controller. Blizzard says it has “done everything we can to ensure that players with accessibility needs are less likely to cause us to be detected.” The developers say that people who need accessibility will still be able to land a sick Earthshatter or heal their teammates, so they’ll adapt their execution moves.

With all that said, Blizzard is considering adding official KBM support to consoles so that people can play the game this way without negatively affecting controller players. As with everything else, console and PC players are separated into separate pools for Competitive play. So, to make things fair, Blizzard should mix console players who want to use a keyboard and mouse into games with other KBM players and not help for any purpose.

The XIM problem is not entirely new. The Overwatch 2 fellow developers at Activision last year who tampers with input devices (or just ). Ubisoft and Epic have also targeted XIM users and Fortniteaccording to.

Blizzard trying to keep Overwatch 2 fairer and more enjoyable for most players. It penalizes more harshly those who leave in the middle of matches and takes a tougher stance against toxicity in voice and text chat.

Meanwhile, there’s been a buzz about this week Overwatch 2 players . Those who use slurs or threaten others should obviously face the appropriate consequences, but apparently kicking players out of a game with profanity filters for slightly spicy trash talk is kind of BS.

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