Threads is testing real-time search results

Meta’s Threads software is often described as a competitor to the company’s X. But Threads users, especially those who used to be active on Twitter, often point out that the Meta app isn’t yet a great source for real-time information. The app’s “for you” algorithm often features fresh posts, as well as days-old posts and recent posts. feature shows only five threads at a time. But for those hoping the app could be more useful for real-time data, Meta’s latest test may be good news.

The app is testing a new search feature that will allow users to filter results by recency Posted by Threads user Daniel Rodriguez. Threads CEO Adam Mosseri confirmed the change. “We’re starting to test this with a small number of people so that it’s easier to find relevant search results in real time,” Mosseri said. .

This may sound like a relatively minor tweak, but the lack of chronological search has long frustrated Threads users looking to find news or commentary on current events. And while sorting by “recent” posts isn’t the same as chronological searching, it should help surface posts about breaking news or other timely topics.

How useful the feature will be will depend on whether Meta makes the filter available to all themes on the platform. The screenshot showed the innovation option for “NBA Threads” that the Mosseri community was following. in the program. But Mosseri has shown less enthusiasm for other timely topics, saying last year that he didn’t want to. “hard news.” Elsewhere, Threads angered some users by deleting them from recommendations and search results for topics it deems “potentially sensitive,” such as vaccines and COVID-19, even if the posts don’t violate its rules.

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