The bootleg Nintendo Network replacement no longer requires jailbreaking

Pretendo Network, an alternative to the open source Nintendo Network, no longer requires a hack Wii U console. With Nintendo servers for deprecated console shutdown On Monday, the Pretendo Network shared a new workaround that provides (limited) access to their homebrew servers without jailbreaking your dusty old console.

SSL (secure socket layer) is a protocol that encrypts the communication between the device and its servers. The Wii U’s SSL exploit (branded as “SSSL”) was discovered by Pretendo Network. shutter release, allows you to connect to the network with just a simple DNS change, which you can do in the stock firmware. “We’ve been keeping this exploit for quite some time in case Nintendo decides to release patches for it,” the network’s creators said. blog post announces a new solution.

Not everything will work though. The Pretendo Network team says that third-party names that use their own SSL libraries are not eligible. This includes Guard dogsthe YouTube app and anything that works with a built-in browser (eg TViithe eShop and Miiverse applet). However, network creators emphasize in the game Miiverse functionality still works.

The workaround requires a Wii U running at least firmware version 5.5.5. If your firmware is lower than that, you should still be able to go online and install the latest update. Nintendo is the last pushed Wii U firmware update in August 2022, when the current version (5.5.6) arrives.

Shutting down the Wii U and 3DS online servers does not prevent Nintendo from providing new software updates to the consoles. Considering Nintendo hate hacking with its devices, the Mario maker could, at least in theory, update the 12-year-old Wii U to patch DNS resolution.

In the meantime, you can follow the steps below to take SSSL for a spin Pretendo Network instructions.

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