Spotify launches educational video courses in the UK

Once upon a time, music was in one place, education in another, etc. There was a time when you went for, but now many companies are trying to turn themselves into a jack of all trades to compete for survival. A recent example is Spotify announced a test for video-based training courses. The new feature joins the platform’s lineup of music, podcasts, and audiobooks.

Spotify has teamed up with a number of content partners: BBC Maestro, PLAYvirtuoso, Thinkific Labs Inc. and Skillshare. They offer content in four main categories: making music, being creative, learning business, and healthy living. “With this offer, we are exploring potential opportunities to provide educational creators with a new audience that can access their video content and to reach a greater potential of Spotify users who are engaged in expanding our catalog,” Spotify said in the announcement. The platform claims that nearly half of users are “engaged” in self-help or education. podcasts.

Trial courses are only available to UK users, with free and premium subscribers receiving at least two free lessons per course. The series will cost between £20 ($25) and £80 ($101), regardless of a person’s subscription level. Users can access them from mobile or desktop. Exact pricing and availability may change if the feature goes through testing.

These steps to video-based courses happen shortly after Spotify has introduced music videos in beta. They are available on select tracks and are not available to US subscribers like lessons (the UK is among the 11 countries with access).

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