OpenAI says Elon Musk wanted it to merge with Tesla to create a for-profit entity

Elon Musk, who? sued OpenAI because it violated its non-profit mission and sought to turn a profit, it allegedly wanted the organization to merge with Tesla when it began planning its transition to a for-profit organization to achieve its goals. Well, either that or take full control of the company, OpenAI said blog post. In response to Musk’s claim, the organization released old emails from 2015 to 2018, in which he was still involved in its operations.

When OpenAI introduced himself to the world announced in 2015 that it had $1 billion in funding. Apparently, it was Musk who proposed the figure, even though OpenAI raised less than $45 million from him and about $90 million from other donors. “To avoid seeming desperate, we should go with a number much larger than $100 million…I think we should say we are starting with a $1 billion financial commitment…I will cover anything that no one else has provided,” he wrote, according to the company.

In 2017, the leaders of OpenAI realized that they really needed more money – billions of dollars – because artificial intelligence required huge amounts of computing power. That’s when they began discussing its transition to a for-profit structure. OpenAI said Musk was involved in the planning and initially wanted a majority stake, initial board control and the CEO position. However, the organization felt that giving absolute control to one person was counter to its mission. They failed to reach an agreement, and Musk reportedly withheld funding while negotiations continued.

Musk later sent an email to OpenAI in 2018, suggesting that the organization join Tesla so the automaker could secure funding. He explained in his letter that he believed this was “the only way it could even hope to hold a candle to Google.” OpenAI didn’t disclose how their discussions progressed after that, but Musk’s idea clearly didn’t pan out, and he soon left the company. In a recent email sent by the organization from Musk, he said, “There is a 0% assessment of the likelihood that OpenAI will be tied to DeepMind/Google without a dramatic change in implementation and resources.”

In his lawsuit, Musk accused OpenAI of being a “closed-source de facto subsidiary” of Microsoft, which uses AI technology for products like Bing after investing $13 billion in the company. “Microsoft stands to make a fortune selling GPT-4 to the public, which would not be possible if OpenAI made the technology freely available to the public,” he said. claim argued. OpenAI said Musk knows his mission doesn’t mean open-sourcing AI technology. It released an email in which co-founder and chief scientist Ilya Sutskever told Musk: “As we get closer to building artificial intelligence, it would be pointless to start being less open. In OpenAI, open means everyone benefits. Once established, the fruits of AI, but the scientific it’s perfectly fine not to share.” Musk then replied, “Yes.”

“We’re saddened to come away with someone we deeply admired — someone who inspired us to aim higher, then told us we’d fail, started creating a competitor, and sued us when we started making meaningful progress on OpenAI. It’s a mission without him,” the company wrote in its post. . After Musk filed his lawsuit, the company sent internal memos to employees denying his claims. Chief Strategist Jason Kwon said in a memo that Musk’s claims “may result. [his] He regrets not being associated with the company today.” In another memoir, Sam Altman said he misses the man he knew competing with others by building better technology. He also responded to Musk’s five-year-old tweet thanking him for advocating for Tesla.

Musk’s lawsuit accuses OpenAI of breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty and unfair competition. He is currently seeking a jury trial, asking the court to uphold OpenAI’s “longstanding practice of making AI research and technology available to the public” and prohibit Microsoft or any other organization from using its technology for financial gain. or individual.

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