DuckDuckGo’s privacy-focused browser gets cross-device syncing and backups

It’s no secret that using the internet usually means handing over most of your personal information, knowingly or unknowingly. DuckDuckGo provides an alternative to accounts while protecting the privacy of its users and now provides an easier way for users to access their data from multiple locations. The browser announced new synchronization and backup function which share bookmarks, email security settings and passwords between devices.

Basically, DuckDuckGo Users who choose it to avoid data sharing can still enjoy the benefits of using the same browser on multiple devices without having to worry about who is accessing their searches. The entire process is end-to-end encrypted, DuckDuckGo never receives any data because the decryption key is stored on the individual’s devices.

The update means that individuals can share information, for example, from the DuckDuckGo browser on their computer or Macintosh their Android or iPhone and vice versa. Mobile phones and tablets can be linked to a QR code, while computers require users to enter the code. No need to log in, but users will want to download the Recovery PDF. It includes Email Protection, which removes hidden trackers and creates unique and private email addresses, allowing people to access synced data if a device is compromised.

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