‘Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth adds an addictive card game and some familiar social mechanics

One more hand. Another attempt to win at the card game, Queen’s Blood. in my limited preview time with Final fantasy 7 rebirthI may have spent a little with the game weeks away from release too A long study of the rules of this companion card game, introduced relatively early in the game. And I don’t regret anything. (First, because I Most of the changes to the battle system were a few months ago.)

This early addiction bodes well for the wider game. It’s a sign that the team behind this remake sequel has made the world bigger and richer than what’s on the rails at times. Do it again. I’m hoping for a more open world experience now that the characters have finally escaped Midgar. (see plot Final Fantasy 7 remake) The change of location also undermines the appearance Rebirth. There are plants! Nature, everywhere! You’ve left the satellite town of Kalm at least once in Chapter 2.


Square Enix

I played through Chapter 1 first, which serves as a tutorial. This is a flashback to Nibelheim, explaining how protagonist Cloud and antagonist Sephiroth used to work together; well, the last one seems to have lost his mind and killed everyone in town.

This is a more story-driven version of my previous demo, but I now get to explore the town where many of the party members grew up. When his friend Cloud explores Tifa’s house without her permission, he makes amusing criticisms of her lack of boundaries. . Again, it was all on me to choose Being creepy and going into Tifa’s room, her playing the piano and creeping out a little.

This chapter also raises some unanswered questions surrounding Cloud and his vague memories of Nibelheim. Anyone who played the original knows where this is going, but considering how some of the characters are in the first third of the game he didn’t die, I’m waiting to see how the developers will shake up the plot for new and old fans. There should be a significant death in this mid-game: Will they twist the blade?

Back to the new card game. Queen’s Blood follows on from Triple Triad, Tetra Master, and the best-forgettable weird pinball game in Final Fantasy XV. You’ll be able to customize your deck of cards, each with a different tile layout and random special effects. It’s almost like Risk, with the goal of dominating the board and getting the highest score in three rows. Cards can reclaim territory, low stats, and all the usual video game card antics, and yeah, I’m having a hard time putting it into words. But it’s fun. And I had to stop playing to explore more meadows.


Square Enix

After finishing your card games and exiting Kalm, I was able to explore most areas. In the time I had left, I saw points of interest full of treasure, unique monster packs, resources to collect, weapons with skills to master, chocobos to tame and race, chocobo stops to repair (which add fast travel points to the map). ); and the return of the horribly named Chad, with virtual battles and quests to help you unlock more stuff for extra spells and abilities. Then I ate soil in battle to unlock the summon spell for Titan.

I liked this pick and choose engagement, but some diversions felt like they were there to kill time. Assassin’s Creed. I hope the developers remember to reduce the travel time where possible, because traversing the terrain can be boring even while riding a giant bird.

Fortunately, getting from A to B is punctuated by fun, sometimes challenging battles. A new addition Rebirth is an enemy detection radar that shows the enemy’s level of aggression and helps you avoid fights when you just want to go.

Another new dynamic is party interactions, which are now integrated with your movesets and stats. This manifested itself in dialogue options and side quests, adding the popular social mechanic that appears so that many JRPGs in this remake sequel. What’s interesting is that as you deepen this friendship, a separate skill tree improves the characters’ stats and even unlocks new synergy attacks (I talked about this in detail. ) to use in battle. Square Enix has claimed that the level of bonds may also affect the story – but it may reflect the theme park “history” that Cloud will continue later in the original game. We’ll find out in a few weeks.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will be released on PS5 on February 29, 2024.

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