Apple lets apps feature streaming games, chatbots and other built-in experiences

Apple’s app platform is finally opening up a bit. Today, the company said it will allow developers to use new in-app experiences, including game streaming, accessing mini-apps and talking to chatbots. This means that developers can create a single application that maintains an easily accessible catalog of their streaming titles. Maybe you’ll finally get a usable Game Pass app from Microsoft (or even its the long awaited mobile game store).

New in-app experiences that include things like mini-games and plug-ins will also get new discovery opportunities. Apple isn’t saying what that means, but it could include new sections of the App Store that point to specific features. For example, it wouldn’t be too surprising to see a collection of apps with chatbots. Apple also says that new installed experiences will be able to use its in-app purchase system for the first time (for example, easily subscribing to a custom mini-game or chatbot).

The changes follow recent moves by Apple to open up its ecosystem (largely in response to pressure from the EU). Company now allows developers to interface with third-party payment solutions through programs (of course still wants to cut) and will reportedly charges developers who offer side-loaded apps Outside of the App Store.

“Apple’s announced changes reflect feedback from Apple’s developer community and align with the App Store’s mission to provide a trusted place for users to find the apps they love and developers everywhere with new opportunities to grow their businesses,” the company said in a blog post. did. post. “Apps that host this content are responsible for ensuring that all software included in their app meets Apple’s high standards for user experience and security.”

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