Japan’s SLIM lunar spacecraft landed upside down on the moon

Shortly after Japan’s Space Agency became the fifth country to land a spacecraft on the moon’s surface, its scientists have unfortunately discovered the Intelligent Lander for Lunar Exploration (SLIM) upside down. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) SLIM landed on the lunar surface on Jan. 20, but said he knew there could be bigger problems because of the problem. energy production. A few hours after reaching land, JAXA expected power to run out.

SLIM encountered the lunar surface about 55 meters east of the original target landing site, JAXA said. The agency obtained all the technical data related to its navigation before it landed and eventually became stationary on the lunar surface. JAXA photographs taken From The Lunar Excursion Vehicle 2, SLIM’s fully autonomous robot currently exploring the Moon.

The cause of the main engine failure is being investigated by the space agency. There is less chance of regeneration because the solar cells powering the spacecraft face west, meaning there is more chance of SLIM regeneration if enough light from the sun reaches the cells over time. The SLIM JAXA team is gone X writing earlier this week, “We are going to recover.” The agency said it will “make the necessary preparations to collect more technical and scientific data from the spacecraft.”

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