France fines Amazon $35 million over ‘intrusive’ employee surveillance

France’s data privacy watchdog CNIL has fined Amazon’s logistics subsidiary 32 million euros, or $35 million. An “overly intrusive” labor control system. CNIL says the system used by Amazon France Logistique “measured work interruptions with such precision, potentially requiring workers to justify each break or interruption”.

Of course, this system was imposed on the warehouse workers of the company, as it always seems CNIL says the surveillance program tracked employee inactivity through a mandatory barcode scanner used to process orders. The system tracks idle times as breaks in barcode scans, prompting employees for breaks of up to one minute. The French organization, using the European system, considered the correctness of this system illegal as the legal basis of the decision.

For this purpose, it is not classified as labor work, but rather a case of data processing related to over-monitoring. “As implemented, the processing is considered excessively intrusive,” the CNIL said, noting that Amazon uses this data to evaluate employee performance on a weekly basis. The organization also noted that Amazon stored this information for all employees and temporary workers.

Amazon responded In this regard, “we strongly disagree with the factually incorrect conclusions of the CNIL and may appeal the decision.” Amazon further noted that it is not the only company in the logistics industry using this type of connected warehouse system, and continues to introduce a system to balance the workload between teams so that we can process orders safely and efficiently. on the picture.” It said it would extend the threshold of its system, potentially giving workers a longer window before alerts start arriving.

Amazon said it is reviewing the appeal, so we’ll follow this story as it develops. On the other side of the pond, the company practically lives in hot water. Found to be Amazon In 2022, there were warehouse worker injuries several times. In fact, the company’s logistics department rotates among employees at such a high rate that eventually Maybe some kind of corporate monitoring system is needed.

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