Grand Theft Auto helped triple Netflix’s gaming engagement last year

Netflix said that in 2023, users’ engagement with games on the service will triple.[Despite] Games are still small and not yet significant compared to our film and series business, we are pleased with this progress,” the company said in a statement. income statement Tuesday. As an example, the company showed the supplement Grand Theft Auto trilogy launched on the service last year, though it’s unclear how much the trilogy, which only arrived on Netflix on December 14, helped engagement in the final two weeks of the year.

This was reported by Netflix Grand Theft Auto it became his “most successful release to date” in terms of installs and engagement. However, there is no information on how many people have downloaded the trilogy since its release on the platform. Some customers signed up for Netflix just to play Grand Theft Automatic games, the company said.

This is a big change from 2022, when and analysis from Apptopia and CNBC revealed Less than one percent of Netflix customers were playing games that the company made available to anyone with a Netflix subscription a year ago. Despite the slow uptake, Netflix continued to add games to the platform. It contains popular titles as well as a growing game library Hell, Dead Cells, Knitting, The door of death and Katana Zero, along with games like Oxenfree II: The Lost Signalthen he developed it on his own purchase indie developer Night School. The platform also includes games based on its popular original shows Theft of money and The Dragon Prince.

In addition to gaming, Netflix said it added 13.1 million subscribers in the last three months of 2023, the highest number it has added since its explosion during the pandemic. Currently, the total number of Netflix subscribers worldwide is 260 million.

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