Your Google News feed is likely filled with AI-generated articles

You can find it everywhere online, including in your Google News Feed. report from Google has discovered that it boosts websites full of AI-generated articles ripped off from other outlets. While this isn’t entirely a surprise, the revelation is disappointing. used to be a place where you could find the latest and most accurate information on most topics. But just because something is in Google News doesn’t mean the information is reliable.

404 Media It showed several examples of AI-written articles passing through Google. For example, it was called a “news site”. World time these days, recently published an article about Star Wars. An analysis of the article showed that it was very similar to a previously published article Distraction. The World time these days the article also included the same author image, along with some strange expressions, as you’d expect from an AI. The ripped article read “Let’s be honest, star wars” instead of Star Wars fans. There were also articles on the site that were almost rewritten Heavywithout having to worry about replacing Heavy watermarked images.

whom and if it becomes even more accessible, we will likely continue to see a massive influx of plagiarized articles and unreliable information on Google News. Because right now, it’s clear that Google isn’t ready to fully vet the articles that populate its news feed. This was reported by the company 404 Media while it tries to filter out spam in Google News, it doesn’t really care if the article is written by humans or artificial intelligence. A Google representative said it’s more about the quality of the content.

“When ranking content, we focus on quality, not how it’s produced. Auto-generated content created primarily for ranking purposes is considered spam and we take appropriate action in accordance with our policies,” the statement said.

Google reiterated that websites are automatically targeted for Google News and that new websites may not be immediately detected by the system. The company added that its goal is to reward “authentic content that demonstrates things like expertise and credibility,” but it appears to be missing the mark by excluding AI-generated articles in the first place.

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