Who knew dogs enjoyed downtempo music?

Here CES 2024 A Japanese startup in Las Vegas is worried about the mental health of all the dogs you buy during the pandemic. One by One Music he believes in dogs that he was very used to his family staying at home most of the day while everyone took shelter in their place. Now that everyone is back to work, school, or generally enjoying the outdoors, they are getting lonely and stressing their loneliness. That’s why the company claims to have found the secret to calming dogs by doing some research. The answer, according to company representatives, is low-tempo music generated by artificial intelligence, which reduces your dog’s stress by 84 percent.

The general idea is that users will subscribe and leave the music playing on their device at home while they’re away. It will cost ¥980 (about $6.70) per month, which may be a small price to pay if you think it’s the most effective way to keep your dog happy. Now, I’ve only heard a small sample of the music the company promises, so I can’t really comment on its quality. But it feels like the generic downtempo synth music you’d find on some spa music playlists you might find on Spotify. But, like I said, what price can you put on your love for your dog?

We’re reporting live from CES 2024 in Las Vegas, January 6-12. Stay up to date with the latest news from the show here.

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