Apple confirms expanded language support for Apple Intelligence in 2025

spread of will be fairly slow-paced with new features and support for more languages ​​are gradually being added in the coming months. There is a company Apple Intelligence will be available in German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese and Vietnamese in 2025, and for several more languages. This is in addition to previously announced support for Chinese, French, Japanese, and Spanish.

Apple will initially launch Apple Intelligence in the US in English in October. So if you can’t access the tools right away When Apple’s latest smartphone lineup ships on Friday.

The tools will be available in December in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and the UK in localized English. Apple will also start rolling out features in English in India and Singapore next year. Additional language support should be announced.

However, there is one key thing worth noting as part of Apple Intelligence’s presentation. Apple doesn’t plan to offer the tools widely or immediately to mainland China. So, while you may be able to use Apple Intelligence in Portuguese or French, you may not be able to while in Portugal or France.

“Apple Intelligence will not currently work if you are currently in the EU and your Apple ID Country/Region is in the EU.” . “If you’re traveling outside the EU, Apple Intelligence will work when your device’s language and Siri are set to a supported language.”

Also, as with everything else, Apple Intelligence will not work on phones purchased in mainland China. Those traveling to China with an iPhone purchased elsewhere will also not be able to use the tools if their Apple ID Country/Region is set to mainland China.

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