Kickstarter now allows late pledges after a campaign has ended

We’ve all been there. You see something cool on Kickstarter. Reasonably priced and . You fully intend to support him, but life gets in the way and the campaign ends, leaving you out in the cold. Kickstarter solved this very specific problem by going ahead .

The new tool is called the Late Pledge and will only be available to creators who have reached their original goal. It’s been in testing since April, and Kickstarters says it’s allowed creators to raise an additional 35 percent over that initial goal. .

Late Pledge has moved out of beta and is now available to all creators worldwide. It’s good for creators, good for backers, and of course good for Kickstarter because users won’t have to resort to a third-party payment platform after the campaign ends.

The company also announced a new internal marketing division to help creators promote their campaigns. Kickstarter says this team “provides support every step of the way, from creative services and pre-launch marketing support to ad measurement and execution.” The service has been in testing for some time and has helped creators raise nearly $1 million in additional pledges.

There’s more to come. Kickstarter has introduced a more robust survey tool for rewards fulfillment purposes and announced the upcoming ability to pay shipping and taxes via a mobile app.

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