The M4 iPad Pro is literally lighter than Air

apple Updated their iPads in a big way today with new releases as well iPad Pro and iPad Air ranks. Both have significant hardware upgrades, but somehow the iPad Pro now weighs less than all of its Air equivalents.

The 11-inch iPad Pro weighs 0.98 pounds (444 grams for the Wi-Fi model and 446 grams with cellular), while the same-sized version of the iPad Air weighs 1.02 pounds (462 grams without the difference between Wi-Fi and cellular) does. models).

The weight difference is more pronounced on 13-inch tablets – the first iPad Air to come in that size. The 13-inch iPad Pro starts at 1.28 pounds (or 579 grams) for the Wi-Fi model, while the mobile version is three grams heavier. Meanwhile, the Wi-Fi and LTE variants of the 13-inch iPad Air are only a gram apart, but they both weigh 1.36 pounds, which is noticeably heavier than the iPad Pro.

Apple says the latest iPad Pro is the thinnest it’s ever made, with the switch to dual OLED panels helping to make the tablet thinner than ever. On the other hand, it makes the iPad Air’s name a bit confusing.

Of course, it’s just a name and it doesn’t really matter. But at 1.03 pounds it was the original Air About half a pound lighter than the iPad 4. The latest model weighs essentially the same, but is now heavier and It’s stiffer than the iPad Pro, making Apple’s premium tablets lighter than the Air.

Watch all the news from Apple’s Let Loose event live here.

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