Lorelei and the Laser Eyes preview: This may be my GOTY

I found myself in various strange situations while solving the puzzles Lorelei and Laser Eyes. For a while, looking at a mid-century movie poster for a documentary about a rotting cat, I wondered if I should focus on the time frame or the date it came out. I drew old hotel plans and deciphered the math of dead architects. I played a few ASCII-style computer games to get messages from a 19th-century wizard who called me his sister. I found some toy blocks and pushed them against the walls of a hidden cathedral. I slipped between realities and through a labyrinth that crumbled under my feet. I watched a woman fall to her death. I thought I was that woman?

Lorelei and Laser Eyes is a third-person noir detective game set in a haunted hotel with impossible architecture and a terrifying history. Its corridors are packed with logic-melting puzzles about wizards, labyrinths, astrology, filmmaking, tombs, and physics, and it’s not even clear why the main character is there. With artifacts from the 1800s, set pieces from the 1960s, and technology from the 2010s, it’s hardly obvious. when he is there. The lack of direction is the main tenet of the game, which results in a sense of loneliness that is oppressive and extremely unsettling.

It also strengthens. At the hotel Lorelei is a playground of mysteries with no set path for players, and each scene is rich with puzzles and dense lore to solve. While I still have no idea where I’m going in the game, I’ve rarely felt lost. It’s kind of like Tunic In that regard, it simultaneously feels like something directed by David Lynch and visually resembles a game. Kentucky route zero or Sin city. There really isn’t a direct comparison Lorelei and Laser Eyes. Playing it is like nothing I’ve experienced before.

Lorelei and Laser Eyes

The actual game Lorelei it’s simple: Walk around and press a button (literally any button on the gamepad) to interact with glowing objects when you’re nearby. Otherwise, pressing a button opens a menu with the main character’s stats, inventory, reference materials, unsolved puzzles, and a manual gameplay system. His stats include caffeine, stress, temperature, cash and bladder trackers, the inventory comes with a tampon, and the hotel provides both coffee machines and bathrooms he can actually use. I have yet to discover a play reason for the bathroom or tampon, but I’m glad they exist and will try to insert the tampon into every statue and keyhole until it finally works. If so. with Lorelei and Laser Eyesyou just don’t know until you do.

Lorelei‘s world is built around Roman numerals, Greek letters, zodiac signs, and 24-hour clocks, and it’s filled with puzzle boxes, keyboard codes, logic puzzles, mazes, image reconstructions, memory tests, and other very satisfying mystery-solving mechanics. However, part of the game’s genius lies in the off-screen action. Lorelei and Laser Eyes It’s meant to be played with a notebook and pen nearby, and I don’t recommend starting without those tools. Yes, even you, a mere sneer and thinker:I there will be no need to write anything.” I promise you will.

Lorelei and Laser Eyes

Lorelei certainly has puzzles with simple solutions, but the bulk of its inquiries are challenging, relying on previous answers, significant amounts of reading, object manipulation, deduction, and creative thinking. Simple puzzles provide a steady pace of endorphin hits, especially at the beginning of the game. They also provide a guide to approaching more difficult puzzles: Trust your instincts. If you think about something, no matter how strange it may seem, try it. Lorelei and Laser Eyes rewards curiosity, and the game is incredibly adept at planting the seeds of concepts that will come in handy hours later.

I hit my first mental wall about seven hours in and that’s when Lorelei‘s tempo has shifted downward for a spell. I went from consistently – but effortlessly – solving puzzles and unlocking new areas of the hotel to just lounging around in a few rooms I couldn’t figure out, walking through them and poring over my notes for hidden clues. After about 45 minutes I remembered that I still had a simple puzzle from my first watch waiting to be solved; I went back to it, completed it, and the game expanded beautifully in response, offering a whole new area of ​​the hotel to explore and picking up the pace once more.

Lorelei and Laser Eyes

Every eureka moment Lorelei presents more questions and mysteries pile up around the protagonist as a grand, overarching narrative that unfolds gracefully. There are classic horror elements: children in owl masks giving advice from beyond the grave, dark as hell corridors, eerie phonograph music, ghosts without eyes. A man with a labyrinth for a head that floats behind you, lying on the back of your neck. The game flawlessly introduces a variety of visual styles on a regular basis, disrupting its own reality in a perfectly orchestrated fashion.

All of these quirks make for a cohesive experience, because Simogo knows how to make a damn good puzzle game. This is the studio behind it Device 6an iOS title that plays trippy with text and physical input methods, and Year WalkA dreamy adventure about Swedish mythology and death. Lorelei It feels like a masterpiece for Simogo, an atmospheric powerhouse of a puzzle game that proves just how deeply the developers understand these systems and pushes the genre into strange and uncharted territory.

Lorelei and Laser Eyes is the rat king of puzzles. It’s a game entirely of mysteries, each puzzle wrapping around the previous one and drowning out the next, the solutions knotted with hidden information. Mark my words, the game instructions for this thing will look similar House of leaves.

I’m ten hours in now and there are many mysteries left. In the west wing is a six-fifty clock with zodiac signs and Roman numerals I still don’t understand, and a locked journal based on the phases of the moon that I’m slowly getting excited about. More than a dozen puzzles await my character to solve on the on-screen scratchpad. In real life, the pages of my notebook look alike, covered in hastily scribbled numbers, letters, dates, arrows and symbols, solutions scattered among the chaos.

Lorelei and Laser Eyes related to the shooting Steam and Transition on May 16.

This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/lorelei-and-the-laser-eyes-preview-this-may-be-my-goty-140030011.html?src=rss

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