Ubisoft is deleting The Crew from players’ libraries, reminding us we own nothing

Ubisoft’s only online racing game Staff It stopped working on April 1. Some users report that things have gone a little further. They say that the company has indeed accessed Ubisoft Connect accounts and revoked the license to access the game. and others.

Some of these users , because they bought the game with their own money and had no warning that Ubisoft would remove the license. When trying to launch the game, these players say they get a message saying login is no longer possible.

On the face of it, this sounds pretty bad. People paid for something that was ripped off. However, there is one major caveat. Staff it’s an online only racing game, so there’s nothing without servers. Those servers went down on April 1 and the game was removed from digital storefronts. Also, this move only affects the original game. Crew 2 and both are still going.

When Ubisoft announced that the servers would be offline, it offered refunds to those who had recently purchased them. Staff. The game it has been nearly ten years, so this refund probably didn’t apply to the vast majority of players. Some of these people said they were planning to set up private servers to play the game, an option that is now unavailable.

It’s not the greatest job in the world Staff not operational, but highlights a fundamental problem with the purchase and use of digital goods. We pay for these products. We think we have them, but we don’t have a damn thing. For proof of this, read the terms of service of Ubisoft or any other major game publisher. Philip Tremblay, director of subscriptions at Ubisoft, said recently gamesindustry.biz there will be players . I’m not so sure we’ll ever be comfortable with the idea that what we pay for can disappear on a dime, even if it becomes standard practice.

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