Apple officially allows retro game emulators on the App Store

In addition to updating the developer guidelines allow music streaming apps to link to an external website Apple has also added a new language that allows game emulators in the App Store. Updated instructionsnoted first 9-5Mac, now say that retro game console emulators are welcome and may even offer downloadable games. Apple also reportedly confirmed in an email to developers that they will be able to create and offer emulators on their marketplace.

Emulator software was not allowed on the App Store before this update, although developers have found ways to distribute them to iOS users. In order to install them, users usually have to first resort to jailbreaking and sideloading tools or downloading unauthorized alternative app stores. This rule update potentially eliminates the need for users to go to all these lengths and could bring more Android emulators to iOS.

However, Apple warns developers that they are “responsible for all such applications offered [their] software, including ensuring that such software complies with these Guidelines and all applicable laws.” is non-existent, so fans of dedicated consoles will just have to hope that their company plans to release official emulators for iOS. However, these latest changes to Apple’s developer guidelines are motivated by the EU’s Digital Markets Act. a regulation targeting anti-competitive practices, a new rule on emulators applies to developers worldwide.

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