Spotify finally launches Miniplayer for desktop users

Spotify has added the long-requested Miniplayer its desktop application, giving you fast playback so you can focus on other things. A resizable floating window lets you control the sound, including switching tracks, selecting playlists, and changing the volume. The company says the feature is already rolling out to Premium subscribers.

Once it’s available in your app, you can launch Spotify Desktop Miniplayer (as it’s aptly named) by clicking the square in the bottom right of the app, to the right of the default playback controls. After clicking this, a floating window will appear next to the full application.

Resizable Miniplayer can operate in a square aspect ratio, ideal for videos; As a slimmer stick, it’s minimally intrusive and offers play/pause and track skip controls alongside current track info and album art.

This feature potentially eliminates the need for third-party software (eg Alfred Spotify Mini Player, Lofi Spotify Mini Player and SpotMenu) to make up for what some users see as a major oversight of the streaming service. (Spotify community post please It has over 3,000 upvotes in 2019.) Apple Music has had an equivalent MiniPlayer for macOS and Windows for ages. As sometimes happens, Spotify took its sweet time.

Spotify described Miniplayer as being available to Premium subscribers first, indicating that it could reach users on the free plan. If you’re a Premium subscriber, look for the little square link that appears in the bottom right of the desktop app before long.

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