Apple will allow iOS apps to be distributed on websites in the EU

A few days after Apple launched , the company announced more changes to how developers distribute their software. Most importantly, those that meet certain criteria will allow users to download apps from their websites.

The Available this spring, it will allow developers to completely bypass the app ecosystem for their apps. Developers will need to opt in to be eligible after certain thresholds, they see each user pay a fee to install and be a member of the Apple Developer Program in good standing for at least two years. They must have “an app with more than one million first-year installs on iOS in the EU in the previous calendar year,” among other criteria, according to the support document.

By setting certain rules to support downloads from the Internet, Apple hopes to minimize the risk of users installing sketchy apps, such as malware or apps that support piracy. It is given again Applications against the company for adhering only to the letter, not the spirit, of the EU’s Digital Markets Act could also be investigated for the fact that the company exercises control over software downloads from the Internet.

In addition, as points out that Apple does to manage software markets that only contain their own software. Previously, they were required to offer apps from other developers. So that means likes , and Meta may only have iOS app markets that contain its own apps and games.

Finally, developers will have more flexibility in how they can redirect users to an external web page to complete a transaction for digital goods and services. Apple used to provide design templates for in-app promotions, discounts, and deals, but as of today, these are optional. That means the likes of Spotify and Netflix can now build links to their websites (and potentially avoid Apple’s 30 percent cut to app-based sign-up subscriptions).

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