X reinstates policy against deadnaming and misgendering

X updated the abuse and harassment page in January and added a new section explaining the new rule for a person not to intentionally use the wrong pronouns or use a name they no longer go by. as mentioned by Ars TechnicaA new section called “Usage of former names and pronouns” says that the service will “reduce the visibility of posts” that use pronouns for a different person than they use for themselves and for those who currently use a different name. their passage.

Social networking service formerly known as Twitter eliminated his long-term policy Against the renaming and misgendering of transgender people in April 2023. GLAAD CEO Sarah Kate Ellis said at the time that X’s decision was “the latest example of how dangerous the company is to users and advertisers.” It should be noted that the owner of the website is Elon Musk has history liking and sharing anti-trans posts and talking points.

Under the new policy, X will only serve on a post if he hears from the target himself, “given the complexity of determining whether such a violation has occurred.” This puts the onus on the target, who can be blamed for not reporting if they choose to walk away from the abuse. This was reported by GLAAD’s general director of social media safety, Jenny Olson Ars the organization does not recommend self-reporting for social media platforms. Still, policies that clearly prohibit trans people from naming and de-gendering are better than vague policies that don’t clarify whether they’re still violating the platform’s rules, Olson said.

X reduces the visibility of posts by removing them from search results, main timelines, trends and notifications. These posts will also be pulled down in the answers section and can only be discovered through the authors’ profiles. Finally, they won’t be shown with ads adjacent to them on X’s website or app, which could prevent a repeat of the ad revenue losses the company suffered last year. In late 2023 advertisers pulled their campaigns from the website just before the holiday, after the Media Matters website published a report showing the ads next to anti-Semitic content.

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