CRKD’s follow-up to the Nitro Deck is the NES-style Neo S controller

CRKD, creators of Beloved Nitro Deck controller for Nintendo Switch, unveiled a new gamepad on Thursday that looks like what a modern NES controller might look like. The wireless CRKD Neo S features Hall-effect rods, replaceable rods, and a retail price of $50. It works with Switch, PC, mobile devices and smart TVs.

The Bluetooth gamepad carries over much of what makes the Nitro Deck feel like the Switch’s “original and final form.” It includes two thumbsticks (both Hall-effect enabled with switchable peaks), a D-pad, four action buttons, triggers, mappable back buttons, and adjustable vibration.

The CRKD Neo S ships in a variety of creative designs and colors, several of which tap into Nintendo nostalgia. For example, the color gold is similar to Nintendo Play & Watch and original Famicom with the familiar red-gold color scheme. Meanwhile, the clear Neo S recalls transparent variants of the Nintendo 64 controller and Game Boy Color portable console.

The three variants (flower, splash and dump) were designed by POPeART, creative director of CRKD. His work is inspired by the traditional Japanese aesthetic wabi-sabi, based on the principles of imperfection, uncertainty and incompleteness. Or as POPeArt says, “Nothing lasts, nothing ends, and nothing is perfect.”

Describing the controller as a “statement” and a “piece of art,” CRKD hopes you’ll buy the Neo S not just for gaming, but as a collectible. In addition to the bold designs (which will be available in nine editions), the company’s mobile app will track your registered products, provide digital proof of ownership and display the accessory’s “rarity rating.” As attractive as the designs are, it remains to be seen how many gamers will fall for marketing tactics designed to get you to buy additional controllers as a hobby.

Each Neo S variant is priced at $50. At the time of publication, they are scheduled to ship in April. Available to the controller pre order On the CRKD website.

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