Google starts a limited test of generative AI tools in Maps

Google adds generative AI to Maps. The feature is in early access and only available to certain areas and select Local Guide members, but it looks like an interesting use of technology. Basically, the tool lets you talk to the app using natural language to explore new places in your hometown or while traveling across our great country.

Here’s how it works. Ask the app what you’re looking for as a restaurant to meet the needs of your group of friends with different dietary restrictions. The company’s multilingual models will analyze more than 250 million location data and insights provided by community members as part of its local guides program. Must be able to spit the perfect spot.

Google says the system will work “no matter how specific, niche or broad your needs are.” The company provides an extensive example of savings in San Francisco. It describes a scenario where a person applies for old economy seats in the city from the app. AI models analyzed nearby places along with photos, ratings and community reviews. The app offers a number of options, complete with photo carousels and review summaries.

Since this is generative AI, you can go further. If you ask the app to find a good lunch spot, it will automatically look for something that matches the retro vibe of the aforementioned vintage store. In other words, it remembers the things you love inside the mind.

Google can quickly use this feature, as an example of asking AI for action during a sudden rainstorm. You can further refine the search results by asking additional questions. It all looks pretty neat, but the feature is currently limited to US users and only in select territories. After early access users provide enough feedback, it should start showing up in more places.

Of course, this isn’t Google’s first AI rodeo. Company recently added generative AI features Chrome browser and did it AI-powered note-taking software Available to anyone in the US. He continues upgrade his Bard chatbot and charging Pixel phones with all kinds of AI tools.

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