The Pokémon Company is investigating ‘Pokémon with guns’ satire Palworld

The Pokémon Company knows Palworld and is well aware that the game draws many comparisons to its intellectual property. statement published. Although the company did not publicly disclose its name Palworld, it said it would investigate a game “released in January 2024” and “take appropriate action to address any actions that infringe Pokemon intellectual property rights.” It also made it clear that it “does not grant any permission to use any Pokémon intellectual property or assets in this game.”

Palworld, released on January 18th, is an open-world game featuring monsters that look like Pokemon, except they can’t use weapons. It also has a darker theme and allows players to sell their “friends” into slavery, kill them, and eat them without being able to fight them to the death. It got a lot of attention after its release, and according to its developer, Pocket Pair, it 7 million copies sold on Steam for five days only.

whom IGN Of note, Pocket Pair has previously said that its gameplay is more similar Ark Survival Evolved and Vanaheim More than Pokemon. in an interview with AutomaticThe CEO of the company Takuro Mizobe said about it Palworld “cleared legal reviews” and “no action was taken against it by other companies”. The Pokémon Company’s statement hints that this could change if the developer is found to be infringing copyright, though we’ll have to wait for the results of the investigation to be sure.

The full statement reads:

“We have received many inquiries regarding another company’s game released in January 2024. We have not granted any permission to use Pokémon intellectual property or assets in that game. We intend to investigate and take appropriate action against any intellectual property infringement. Pokémon-related property rights. We will continue to protect and nurture each Pokémon and its world, and we will strive to bring the world together through Pokémon in the future.”

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