Google changes its Play Store policy to allow more real-money games

The Google Play Store may have more real-money gaming (RMG) apps before the end of the year — at least in certain locations. Google initially started allowing real-money apps on its store in 2021, but only if they were government-regulated games. Now there is company announced is changing its rules to allow more “game types and operators not covered by the existing licensing framework”. This will open up the Play Store to games that aren’t so popular or widespread enough for local governments to create laws around them.

Google says it has been running several pilot programs around the world since 2021 to determine how to support more real-money game operators and game types. For example, its pilot tests in India included apps offering Rummy card games and Daily Fantasy Sports. The company will implement the new policy in India, Mexico and Brazil from June 30. After that, operators who are part of its pilot programs can release their current apps and other real-money gaming apps like any other developer. because they comply with local laws.

The company said it plans to expand the availability of RMG apps in other regions in the future, but announced that its age requirements to access those games will remain in place. Also, developers will still be required to geo-fence their products so that they are only available where they are legal. It also revealed that it has “enhanced the fee-for-service model” for real-money game apps to “support the Android and Play ecosystems”. whom 9 to 5 Google Note that RMG apps can’t use Google Play invoicing, but that’s likely to change if the company intends to cut developers’ profits.

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