A new report raises concerns about the future of NASA

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) has some serious concerns about the future of America’s space exploration agency.

The NASEM report, written by a group of aerospace experts, reveals what they see as a possible “empty future” for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). aeronautics and civil space” NASA itself is aware and agrees with this. The report also notes that NASA’s problems go far beyond having enough funding to carry out its missions and operations.

Some of the report’s “key findings” indicate areas of concern that could affect the future of the space agency. These include a focus on “short-term measures without adequate consideration for long-term needs and impacts,” reliance on “stage-based service purchase agreements,” and inefficiencies due to “slow and cumbersome business operations.” The report also raised concerns that the current generation of talent is being poached by private aerospace companies and that the next generation of engineers is not receiving the necessary knowledge base due to our underfunded public school systems. Finally, the report clearly states that NASA’s infrastructure is “well past its design life.”

These and other issues can lead to more serious problems. Norman Augustine, former CEO of Lockheed Martin and lead author of the report, said. relying on the private sector could further erode NASA’s workforce and reduce its role to one of oversight rather than problem-solving.

Congress could provide more funding to NASA to address these concerns, but that’s unlikely because it’s constantly fighting to avoid a government shutdown. Instead, Augustine says, NASA can focus on prioritizing its efforts on more strategic goals and initiatives.

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