Americans used 100 trillion megabytes of wireless data last year

Americans used more wireless data than last year, using more than 100 trillion megabytes in 2023. Reuters reports. According to an industry survey, this record number represents an increase of 36 percent or 26 trillion MB from 2022. the number wireless connections It also rose to 558 million in 2023—a six percent increase over 2022.

Interestingly, these increases were driven by new developments rather than traditional outlets. Americans spent about 100 billion fewer minutes talking on the phone than the previous year and sent the same amount of text messages. As technology instead dronesspace missions, self-driving vehicles and precision farming seemed to move the needle.

However, uncertainty remains about how to find new spectrum for wireless communications in the United States. According to Meredith Attwell Baker, CEO of the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association (CTIA), “to continue to meet wireless demand, fuel innovation and support America’s economic competitiveness, the wireless industry needs access to more fully-powered, licensed spectrum.” 2023 founded the White House in November National Spectrum Strategy improving spectrum access and management.

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