The US, UK, EU and other major nations have signed a landmark global AI treaty

USA, Great Britain, European Union and several other countries they signed AI security agreement developed by the Council of Europe (COE), an international standards and human rights organization. This landmark agreement, known as the Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law, was opened for signature in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. It is the first legally binding international agreement aimed at ensuring the compatibility of artificial intelligence systems with democratic values.

The treaty focuses on three main areas: the protection of human rights (including privacy and non-discrimination), the protection of democracy and the rule of law. It also provides a legal framework that covers the entire lifecycle of AI systems, encourages innovation and manages potential risks.

In addition to the US, the UK and the EU, other signatories to the agreement include Andorra, Georgia, Iceland, Norway, Moldova, San Marino and Israel. Many major powers from Asia, the Middle East and Russia are absent, but any country that commits to complying with its provisions will be eligible to join in the future. statement from the Council of Europe.

“We must ensure that the rise of artificial intelligence adheres to our standards instead of violating them,” said Maria Pejčinović Burić, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, in a statement. “The Framework Convention was designed to ensure just that. It is a strong and balanced text – a result of the open and inclusive approach with which it was designed, ensuring that it benefits from multiple and expert perspectives.

The treaty will enter into force three months after five signatory states, including at least three Council of Europe member states, ratify it. The COE’s agreement joins the latest effort to regulate AI, led by the UK’s AI Security Summit, the G7. Hiroshima AI Processand the UN AI solution.

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