Microsoft and Activision Blizzard accused of ‘bad faith bargaining’ by Raven Software union workers

Gaming journalist Steven Totilo said Raven Software’s union — a first in the gaming industry — faced yet another challenge in negotiating a collective bargaining agreement with Microsoft and Activision Blizzard. Game file newsletter. The trade union complained about unfair labor practices National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), basically alleging that their employers refused to bargain or did not bargain in good faith. Raven employees joined the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and succeeded in their union campaign. more than two years ago.

The full complaints had not been made public as of Wednesday. We also reached out to Microsoft and Activision Blizzard for comment on the complaint, but did not receive a response at press time.

CWA President Claude Cummings Jr. issued a statement following accusations of unfair labor practices. He urged Microsoft to honor the agreement Respect the rights of Raven Software employees’ union efforts.

“Following Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard, our members were optimistic that they would move quickly toward the first contract at Raven Software,” Cummings wrote. “Unfortunately, this did not happen. We urge Microsoft to address the concerns raised in the unfair labor practice allegations and prioritize achieving a fair settlement.”

NLRB investigation Activision revealed that Blizzard withheld raises from Raven employees following a separate unfair labor practice allegation. A 2022 complaint filed by the CWA on behalf of the workers also accused the game publisher of retaliating against workers who tried to unionize by firing staff and moving QA workers to separate teams.

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