President Biden sets up new AI guardrails for military, intelligence agencies

The White House released the first national security memo outlining the use of artificial intelligence for the military and intelligence agencies. The White House also shared an abridged copy of the memorandum with the public.

The new memorandum sets out guidelines for military and intelligence agencies to use artificial intelligence in their day-to-day operations. The memo sets a series of deadlines for agencies to implement AI tools and study regulations, most of which will expire after President Biden’s term ends. The memo also reportedly aims to limit “the most dystopian possibilities, including the development of autonomous weapons.” .

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan announced the new guidance today as part of a conversation about the involvement of artificial intelligence in government operations. Sullivan has been one of the President’s most vocal advocates for exploring the benefits and risks of artificial intelligence technology. He also raised concerns about China’s use of artificial intelligence to manipulate its population and spread disinformation, and how the memo could spark conversations with other countries struggling to implement their own AI strategies.

The memorandum sets some hard edges for the use of artificial intelligence, especially when it comes to weapons systems. The memo states that artificial intelligence should never be used as a decision-maker to launch nuclear weapons or grant asylum status to immigrants coming to the United States. It also prohibits AI from tracking anyone based on their race or religion or determining whether a suspect is a known terrorist without human intervention.

The letter also provides protections for private-sector AI development as “national assets to be protected … from espionage or theft by foreign adversaries.” Time. The memorandum directs intelligence agencies to help private companies working on AI models secure their jobs and provide updated intelligence reports to design AI assets.

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