Slack AI will generate transcripts and notes from huddles

Salesforce introduced some new AI features to make it more business oriented Peace chat software designed to take on mundane tasks like transcription.

The company writes that the main new feature is Slack AI fusion notes to “capture key moments and action items so users can focus on the task at hand.” It appears to be a more powerful version of the previous version Slack AI feature replays channel highlights and generates summaries for topics with one click.

When Slack AI is invited into a conversation, it creates a transcript based on the real-time audio and messages shared in the thread. It can also organize notes with quotes, action items, and files shared to the canvas. All meeting participants can view the recording later, even if they cannot attend.

Slack has also updated its AI-powered search feature to search for files and apps they upload to Slack, including canvases, transcripts from clips, documents from connected apps, Google files, and more. based on which it can show unique results for the user.

Another time saver is the new AI Workflow Builder that helps automate tasks. For example, users can enter a query like “send a welcome message to teammates who join the channel” and Slack AI and Workflow Builder will generate this functionality without requiring programming.

The latest update also comes with pre-configured Slack templates for specific use cases like project management, gathering feedback, and assigning help requests. The new Slack AI features are now available as a paid add-on for all subscription plans, and Slack templates will be available in October 2024.

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