YouTube is making tools to detect face and voice deepfakes

YouTube is is developing new tools to protect artists and creators from unauthorized use by their ilk. The new technology will detect AI-generated content using a person’s face, the company said Thursday singing voice Pilot programs will begin early next year.

The upcoming face detection technology will allegedly allow people from a variety of industries to “discover and curate” content that uses AI-generated images of their faces. YouTube says it’s developing tools that allow creators, actors, musicians and athletes to find and choose what to do with videos that contain deeply fake versions of themselves. The company has not yet confirmed the release date of the face detection tools.

At the same time, the “synthetic reader identification” technology will be a part Content IDYouTube’s automated IP protection system. The company says the tool will allow partners to find and manage the content they use AI-generated versions of their singing voices.

“As AI evolves, we believe it should augment, not replace, human creativity,” YouTube’s vice president of creative products, Amjad Hanif, wrote in a blog post. “We are committed to working with our partners to ensure future advancements amplify their voices, and we will continue to develop protectors to address concerns and meet our shared goals.”

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