Google is rolling out more election-related safeguards in YouTube, search and AI

As the United States speeds toward one of the most consecutive elections in its 248-year history, Google is taking security measures to ensure users receive reliable information. In addition to events announced company at the end of last year he said On Friday, it adds election-related safeguards to YouTube, Search, Google Play and AI products.

YouTube will add information panels to search results for at least some federal election candidates. The modules are probably similar what you see when searching for famous people on the web, it will include basic details of the candidates, such as their political party, and a link to Google Search for more information. Panels may also link to a person’s official website (or other channel), the company says. As Election Day (November 5) approaches, YouTube’s home page will also feature reminders of where and how to vote.

Google Search will include voter registration resources collected from state election offices for all users. Google obtains this information through partnerships Democracy worksa non-partisan non-profit organization that works with a variety of companies and organizations to “help voters whenever and wherever they need it.”

Meanwhile, the Google Play Store will add a new badge indicating that the app is from an official government agency. The company discloses its requirements for applications that “transmit government data.” developer help document. Verified apps that submit the required forms are eligible for “official approval expressed by a clear visual treatment on the Play Store.”

Maybe when it comes to generative AI prone to hallucinations It would make Jerry Garcia blush, Google is expanding its capabilities election restrictionswas announced at the end of last year. They will enter Disclosures for ads created or generated using AIcontent tags for generated and embedded content SynthID digital watermark For AI-generated text, audio, images and videos. Initially described as for Gemini (apps and web), polling safeguards will be applied to Search AI Views, Live Chat, YouTube AI-generated summaries for Gems (custom chatbots). with user-generated instructions) and the creation of the image of Gemini.

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