Reddit is having some issues right now. The site appears to be sprawling, apart from a blank homepage that doesn’t contain or point to any content. “We encountered an error,” the website said. “We could not load the content for this page.” However, at 4:45 PM ET, we see subreddits and comments reload as usual.
For at least a while clicking on any subreddit showed a “Community Not Found” message. The Reddit status update page lists the issue as “Poor Performance for” and was originally marked as “Investigating”. At 4:32 PM ET, the status was updated to “Identified – The problem has been identified and a fix is ββin progress.”
At 4:45 PM ET, it was updated again to “Monitoring – A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.” However, the performance is still listed as “Degraded”.
Of course, the jokes on social networks did not last long:
reddit crashed. How do I google something?
β Corey Atad (@CoreyAtad) August 28, 2024
Reddit experienced another major outage earlier this year it went down for about an hour. We will monitor the status and update this story accordingly.