Waymo driverless cars have gotten inexplicably chatty, honking at one another all night

In San Francisco, Waymo’s self-driving cars come back online at night and signal each other. . The videos have started to spread sitting in the same parking lot and honking without a care in the world. This obviously irritated some of their human neighbors who needed some sleep.

Is this a sign of the coming AI apocalypse or just some robotaxis learning to flirt? Unfortunately for those looking for a “robots in love” story, this is neither. It’s just a bug in the security software. Simply put, the app beeps when another car gets too close. When not in use, these special Waymo taxis sit side by side in a cramped parking lot, and you’re good to go.

“We recently introduced a useful feature to avoid low-speed collisions by signaling if other cars are coming too close while reversing towards us,” the company said in a statement. “It worked great in the city, but we didn’t expect it to happen so often in our parking lot.”

Waymo said it has updated its software to address the problem, adding that “our electric vehicles need to reduce noise so our neighbors can get ahead.” So that’s it. Another mystery solved.

Despite this short foray into vehicle anthropomorphism, Waymo is still expanding its taxi service. It is currently available to anyone with the app Fenix ​​and a . The company recently introduced these robot axes .

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