I like this ridiculous Playdate pizza case so much I bought a Playdate

A bunch of the Engadget team Loves Playdatea small, quirky portable console loads of great indie games and a crank on the side. I’ve had it in my eye for a long time, but for one reason or another I never pulled the trigger. I receive Playdate emails, and today a surprising and funny one caught my eye (subject line: Mamma Mia!):

Playdate Pizza emailPlaydate Pizza email

History of the game

The message says, “We will not post about this product on social media. We will not send a press release to the media. This special limited edition cover is being shared first with you, our Playdate mailing list readers. (Thank you for subscribing.)”

Well, I don’t feel flattered!

To be clear, Playdate has sold a slightly purple (and more recently ocean blue) cover for the console since the beginning. It’s also cute and wraps snugly around the device to protect it from harm. However, there is nothing wrong with this iconic pizza design.

This adorable product reveal sent the Engadget Slack channel into a frenzy – Playdate enthusiast Jessica Conditt said no, it will no make him forget that we are still waiting for the Playdate Stereo Dock (nice try, Panik). Meanwhile, I started thinking about the upcoming vacation I’m going on, and wouldn’t Playdate be a great companion? Especially with that amazing cover.

A few minutes later, I had an order confirmation in my inbox. It quickly grew—by at least one measure, the Playdate pizza topping was a success.

For the rest of your Playdate fans, don’t sleep on it — Playdate says the cover is limited edition and won’t be around for long. In the meantime, a full review will follow as soon as this pizza is delivered.

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