People are returning Humane AI Pins faster than the company can sell them

Humanitarian the universally derided AI Pin according to internal sales documents, it’s not exactly flying off store shelves published by The Verge. In fact, returns are currently outpacing new purchases. So many have been returned that there are only 7,000 in the wild. The company once hoped to sell 100,000 in the first year, so that didn’t happen.

To date, about 10,000 have been sold, 3,000 have been returned, and the above-mentioned 7,000 have remained in the hands of consumers. This gadget costs $700, so I would return it after learning that it doesn’t do anything useful. Won’t it? To that end, more than 1,000 pre-orders were canceled after the reviews started rolling in.

We called it “the solution to none of the technology problems” and struggled to understand who it was for. This was before the charging case accessory became a potential fire hazardthe best example of technological conceit was added to the image of the product. There’s a reason popular tech vlogger Marques Brownlee called it the “worst product” he’s ever reviewed.

Humane, in a way, was trying to turn things around by trying to find a bigger company to include in its portfolio. Thinking of buying HP, according to The New York Times. Also, it is claimed that the company is actively negotiating with investors. “The Information” reported on this.

He hated humanity The Verge and its report, spokeswoman Zoz Cuccias claimed there were “inaccuracies” in financial data, but did not go into specifics. Instead, he said, “We don’t have anything else to provide as we don’t comment on the financials and will refer that to our legal counsel.”

The Verge states that the company has no repair operations, which is another lost opportunity for revenue. The problem is allegedly limited to carrier partner T-Mobile, which prevents Humane from assigning one of these pins to a secondary user. The returned pins could have been destined for the scrap heap, but Humane is reportedly holding onto the returns for now in hopes of resolving the issue with T-Mobile.

The company releases software updates to address user feedback, who knows. Maybe the ship can right itself. There’s still the issue of spending $700 for a second-rate device that performs less well than a smartphone. The same question applies to the $200 device. we Rabbit is looking at you.

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