Microsoft is adding AI-powered summaries to Bing search results

As the race to bring more AI features to search is on, Microsoft is pushing ahead with additional tools for Bing. Today, the company launched previews for Bing generative search, where the top result for a user’s query will be the original answer compiled by artificial intelligence.

The A generative search on Bing showed several sample results. In addition to the overview statement, Microsoft will provide links to key resources that the large-language models and small-language models used to create their answers. It will also have an associated information section. For example, with the sample query “how long do elephants live,” a basic summary is followed by videos with information on factors affecting elephant longevity. After the generative results, a list of the usual search hits is displayed.

Overview of Bing generative search resultsOverview of Bing generative search results


If you’re curious and want to try generative search right away, you’re out of luck. It’s not yet an option for Bing users, and only applies to “a small portion of user queries” at this stage. “We’re rolling this out slowly and will take our time, gather feedback, test and learn, and try to create a great experience before we make it more widely available,” Microsoft said.

Google introduced a similar tool earlier this year called to retain users who can go directly to an AI chatbot to get answers to their questions. There was an AI overview , so it will be interesting to see how well Microsoft’s counterpart fares in comparison. While Microsoft emphasized in its blog post that it developed generative search with no intention of destroying the business of web publishers, it’s worth repeating that such an AI tool exists. .

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