Salad Fingers turned 20 this week and there’s a new episode out to commemorate it

It pains me to say it, but it’s been 20 years since David Firth Salad Fingers debuted and irrevocably changed the humor of the internet. The first episode of the web series aired on Newgrounds on July 1, 2004. To celebrate this milestone birthday, Firth released a film. Special for the 20th anniversary Earlier this week sees Salad Fingers take a trip down memory lane, taking us back to the early moments that cemented the phrase “I like rusty spoons” into the collective consciousness of all internet users.

Things will not be as you remember them. According to Salad Fingers, this is what happened, and do we really expect Salad Fingers to be a reliable narrator? The 7-minute video expands the lore a bit and revisits characters like the screaming “young kid” (who has some explanation for his identity) and his disturbing finger puppet friends Hubert Cumberdale, Marjory Stewart-Baxter and Jeremy Fisher. If you’ve watched the series over the years and you’re watching it by 2023, “Harvesting,” and you’ll also recognize the absolutely terrifying Melvin Wishcake, whom Salad Fingers refers to this time as “Manky Melvin, the stinky reject.”

As I’m sure many of you do, I have a soft spot in my heart for this wacky cartoon, and it was a real treat. Maybe I should go back in now and watch the whole series again, ie Up to 13 episodes this end is not considered special. Thanks for the (damn) memories, Salad Gregory Stuart Fingers.

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