Meta changes its labels for AI-generated images after complaints from photographers

Meta is updating its “Made with AI” tags after widespread complaints from photographers that the company was mistakenly tagging non-AI-generated content. In an updatethe company said it would change the wording to “AI info” because existing labels “didn’t always match people’s expectations and didn’t always provide enough context.”

Company “Made with AI” labels earlier this year after criticism about his “manipulated media” policy. Meta, like many of its peers, said it will rely on “industry standard” signals to determine when generative AI is being used to create an image. However, it wasn’t long before photographers began to see Facebook and Instagram apply this tag to images. Created with AI. According to the tests conducted , Photos that have been edited with Adobe’s generative fill tool in Photoshop will trigger the tag, even if the edit is only a “tiny blob.”

While Meta didn’t name Photoshop, the company said in its update that “some content that includes minor changes that use AI, such as retouching tools, includes industry-standard indicators,” which triggers the “Made with AI” tag. “While we’re working with companies across the industry to refine the process so that our labeling approach is more in line with our intent, we’re updating the ‘Made with AI’ label to ‘AI information’ in our apps where people can click for more information. “

Somewhat confusingly, the new “AI data” labels don’t detail what AI-enabled tools may have been used for the image in question. A Meta spokesperson confirmed that the context menu that appears when users tap the icon will remain the same. That menu has an overview of generative AI and notes that Meta can add a notification “when people share content with AI signals that our systems can read.”

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