Sega’s new Crazy Taxi reboot will be an open-world MMO

Sega’s According to a report, it will be an open world massively multiplayer online (MMO) game. . The interview includes both quotes from the Sega team and some brief samples of gameplay footage.

Series producer Kenji Kanno confirmed that the reboot will be playable by multiple people, although the company is still testing gameplay mechanics. purpose, , is to maintain the feel of the original franchise entries while incorporating MMO elements. For this purpose, in the footage, several yellow taxis are seen chasing each other with police cars. Ironically, police cars are convertibles.

It also looks like the map will be inspired by California, which makes sense given the previous entries, and will include “theme park-like” elements. The reboot was previously described as a AAA title, so Sega is putting a lot of resources behind it. Based on one recruitment pagethe game is developed in Unreal Engine.

Open world idea Crazy Taxi makes perfect sense since it was already a precursor to GTA and the like. And the MMO aspect can be annoying or amazing. We won’t know until it comes out.

This reboot is just one of Sega’s upcoming trips to the nostalgia well. The company recently announced that it has cracked many dusty IPs . These include Crazy Taxiof course, as well Golden Axe, Jet Set Radio, Shinobi and Streets of Rage. It is worth noting that the company continues to ignore what people really want, in a modern way of horror. .

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