Spotify’s Basic plan returns to $11 a month by cutting audiobooks

There is Spotify new plan For US subscribers, that keeps you at the old $11 monthly price – as long as you don’t mind giving up the audiobooks. The new Basic tier includes the music and podcast content you get from Premium but not 15 hours of audiobook access, a recently added feature that we suspect many subscribers don’t care about anyway. Spotify said it would do so earlier this month Increase premium prices up to $12 per month starting in July.

The master plan reflects it rolled in England last month. It costs £11 a month, compared to £12 for Premium with audiobook content.

Some suspect that Spotify’s audiobook push has ulterior motives. Earlier this month, the National Association of Music Publishers He asked the Federal Trade Commission to investigate The move goes so far as to call the company’s audiobook integration “a scheme to increase profits by deceiving consumers and defrauding the music royalty system.” The NMPA complaint alleges that Spotify will pay about $150 million less in music royalties over the next year for the audiobook bundle. Spotify told Engadget it did nothing wrong and denied the accusations.

Spotify is making pennies in other areas, too. The company informed about this last year planned to overhaul the royalty model. Part of that alleged plan was to demonetize tracks that earned less than five cents a month, squeezing out some indie artists who didn’t have a certain audience.

Spotify too About 9,000 workers were fired late last year, citing “the gap between our financial goal status and our current operating expenses.”

Once it’s released (not yet at publication), you can switch to the audiobook-free tier. your account page, then “Manage your plan” and “Change plan” and select Basic. If you are a new subscriber, when can you choose the basic option to be written.

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