Apple will reportedly withhold new AI features in Europe due to regulations

On Friday, Apple said it would delay iOS 18’s marquee AI features He conveniently blames the European Union Digital Markets Act (DMA) regulations. The company claimed it would prevent Apple Intelligence from launching. iPhone Mirroring on Mac and for SharePlay Screen Sharing in the EU this year Bloombergwhich informed News.

“We are concerned that the DMA’s interoperability requirements may force us to compromise the integrity of our products in ways that could endanger user privacy and data security,” the company said. Bloomberg. Apple did not elaborate on how the DMA rules could force it to violate user privacy and security.

The DMA adopted in 2022 seeks to ensure fair competition Curbing what Big Tech companies can do stifle the competition. This prevents them from crowding out smaller competitors, prioritizing their services over theirs, tying customers’ data to their platforms, and limiting transparency about their use of ad data.

This isn’t the first time that Apple has blamed regulations for preventing EU users from owning cool stuff — without specifically offering much. Earlier this year, the company said it would do so remove the ability to add web apps to the home screen In Europe according to DMA regulations. Later reverse course, referring to the “requests” he received. Google did something similar removed third-party apps and watch faces from European devices blaming “new regulatory requirements”.

Apple’s delay comes as EU regulations pose a thorn in the side of the company. European Commission an official investigation has begun regarding the company in March and reported plans to charge him with DMA violations in the coming weeks. The company was over 1.8 billion euros were fined ($1.95 billion) earlier this year to prevent app developers from informing iOS users of cheaper music subscription plans outside the company’s ecosystem.

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